Mental Health Therapy

Leg Up Farm offers outpatient Mental Health Therapy. Therapists work with children and their families to address challenges impacting their ability to function in daily life. Mental Health services place the child at the center of the therapeutic process through individual and family sessions. The therapeutic team utilizes various modalities of treatment to empower clients to reach treatment goals, including cognitive behavioral therapy, trauma informed caredialectical behavioral therapy, traditional talk therapy, creative expression, narrative therapy, play interventions and other client-centered treatment modalities. Outpatient Mental Health Therapy is available for children between the ages of five to twenty-one.

Caregiver & Sibling Support

Caregivers provide critical support in childhood development and are essential to the success of therapy. Leg Up Farm’s clinical therapists encourage and facilitate support for caregivers through parenting/caregiver sessions. This allows for coaching and psychoeducation around the client’s needs to help ensure success within the client’s home. Clinicians can also utilize sibling support sessions to increase positive interactions, communication, and provide insight into ways the entire family can work to increase the well-being of the client.


Equine Assisted Therapies


Nutrition Counseling